TSR drops their lawsuit against Wizards of the Coast, but leave their IndieGoGo campaign active. WotC files a lawsuit to end the trademark dispute Does this spell the end of TSR? Free League announces partnership with Demiplane to produce Free League Nexus digital toolset. This will support all of their RPGs and marks the third major company to appear on the platform. Like Pathfinder Nexus and World of Darkness Nexus it will be available in 2022. A major errata is released by Wizards of the Coast that makes several major changes to many of the books released for fifth edition. The most noticeable change is the move to remove all racial alignments. Asmodee is in negotiations to be sold to a video game company called Embracer group based in Sweden. What does this mean for boardgames and IP tie-ins between videogames and tabletop. #tsr #demiplane #freeleague #dnd #asmodee

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