Morning Coffee for a New Lover is an RPG by Nathan Black printed on an actual coffee mug. The Dead Milkmen have written a D&D 5E module called Lost Tomb of the Bitchin’ Chimera named for their track Bitchin’ Camaro on Kickstarter. The Wretched RPG by Chris Bissette is also on Kickstarter for its second printing and other stretch goals. Humble Bundle and Frog God Games collaborate to bring you a big sampling of OSR (Old School Revival/Renassaince) starting at only one dollar. Featuring Swords & Wizardry, Castles & Crusades and Borderland Provinces.

#wretchedrpg #deadmilkmen #froggodgames #osr

Morning Coffee for a New Lover:

OSR Humble Bundle:

Wretched Second Printing on Kickstarter:

Tomb of the Bitchin’ Chimera on Kickstarter:

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