Kobold Press collects all of their 5E material into Tome of Heroes. This will give players the choice of 10 new races and 50 subclasses. The new hardcover book is currently on Kickstarter and includes both new and previously published material. Omnichromatic Pirate Unicorn Games has published a guide to Intellectual Property in RPGs. It is currently pay-what-you-want on DriveThruPRG. This is a useful overview of what can be protected and what cannot in the world of RPG design and development. Tiny Library is also currently on Kickstarter. It is an anthology of TTRPGs that can be printed on a single standard size playing card (both sides) and all 50 games can be yours for US$10. John Harper, the creator of the Blades in the Dark RPG, recently tweeted that Warp Films is currently developing a TV series based his RPG setting. Evil Hat Publishes the RPG and no further details have been released regarding dates or platform. There have also been rumors of an Exalted TV series in development based on the RPG of the same name. Is this a new trend in mining ideas for the creatively bankrupt entertainment industry? Are comic books yesterday’s bananas? Remember the Fox TV series based on White Wolf’s Kindred: The Embraced?
#koboldpress #intellectualproperty #tinylibrary #bladesinthedark

Intellectual Property in RPGs(affiliate link):

Tiny Library on Kickstarter:


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