We talked with Cass Suwinski from Tomb Guardians Miniatures about their current Kickstarter campaign for their Queen of the Damned Velrath’s Vampires metal miniatures series. Previously they have produced miniatures for a Dwarven series and there will also be an upcoming Amazon series. These releases will culminate in a ruleset for their faction-based dungeon crawl game system coming this fall.

This is the final week for their Kickstarter campaign so have a look today!

Queen of the Damned: Velrath’s Vampires

Their website has more details and images of the existing miniatures catalog:


Idle Red hands - Episode 219

In this episode we discuss the question of racial ability bonuses in D&D and other TTRPG systems. Is race the best way to give the flavor of the setting or does it just bring with it uncomfortable stereotypes drawn from the real world? Which will win in our discussion nature or nurture? If you roll a muscle wizard does that save you from the Tolkien hole?