In this first installment of a new series, we look at things that have given us at least one game idea. The three inspirations for this episode are Princess Mononoke, Saga of the Swamp Thing and Cloverfield.

We had considered opening these show notes with the lyrics to Chicago’s “You’re the Inspiration”, but we were worried that the song would get stuck in your head. ARGH! Too late!

“In the criminal Idle Red Hands system, Rogues will be separated into two separate yet equally important groups: the crimes and the people who commit them. These are their stories.”

The month of debuts gets another debut! This time, it’s Rogues, a look at criminals and the crimes they commit. We look at the proud noble tradition of deal dealers, gunrunners and pimps (and those guys that sold jeans and Beatles records in the Soviet Union). Believe it or not, we actually suggest how to play black marketeers. Chris tries to cheat by recommending a “black” marketeer who provides food to the starving, but Wayne and Lyal put a stop to that nonsense.