We open up a real oddity in the history of the Mutant Chronicles, the 2007 Starter Set for the Collectible Miniatures game by Fantasy Flight Games licensed by Paradox Entertainment. It contains six 54mm pre-painted miniatures and supposedly everything you need to start playing. Rules were co-written by Eric M. Lang so it might be a playable game. The earliest sign of its short lifespan was the switch from blind box booster packs to just straightforward expansion boxes. It only lasted for about two years but is a very interesting attempt to take advantage of the fanbase that existed somewhere between boardgames and wargaming. Join us as we take look inside the box and try to piece together what created this short-lived oddity. In the midst of the Rackham pre-painted trend of AT-43 and Confrontation: Age of Ragnarok, this addition to the Mutant Chronicles series is a real head-scratcher.

Check out our lore series the Complete Mutant Chronicles:


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