Wargames Atlantic has many highly detailed plastic box sets (37 and counting) They have just announced Atlantic Digital. This new program will release a mix of new products for all 11 of their current ranges (9 historical ranges, Classic Fantasy, and Death Fields). These products will be spread across the following categories: full multi-part sets, character figures, conversion parts for existing plastic sets, terrain, and vehicles. The STLs files will be released via a MyMiniFactory Tribe with a monthly membership Individual STL files and file sets sold via MyMiniFactory and soon on their website Physical manufactured models through Only-Game. Vote now on their website for the December 2022 theme!

Melsonian Arts Council has announced a new softcover sourcebook as part of a crowdfunding campaign that offers curious newcomers one of the best ports of entry into the science-fantasy game of decidedly British absurdism and adventure. The softback edition also function as a fold-out facilitator screen during play. The text of the rules will be nestled on the right-hand side, while all other real estate will contain graphs, tables and rules reminders.

Wizards of the Coast may be outlawing third-party homebrew content in its upcoming evergreen edition. This unconfirmed rumor would mean players would be unable to legally publish homebrew content for One D&D. According to the leak, Wizards of the Coast does not plan on using the Open Game License to create a new free-to-access Systems Reference Document for One D&D. If Wizards of the Coast were to discontinue the OGL, players would not be able to legally publish third-party homebrew using the One D&D ruleset.

Wizards of the Coast has a new process for reviewing their material before it’s published. According to a new blog post from Chris Perkins, the D&D Studio is in the process of changing its review process, after fans raised concerns about offensive material present in Spelljammer: Adventures from Space. 

Archon Studios is crowdfunding a board game based on the 1999 Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia PC game. The Polish studio has a record of successfully crowdfunding miniatures-heavy board games from both licensed IPs and original properties. The list of video games made into board game continues to grow. 

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Intro song is “Chips” by KokoroNoMe

This week is TROIKAfest! a casula celebration of all things TROIKA! rpg by Melsonian Arts Council related. It iwll feature actual play streams, a game jam and assisted by Plus One Exp. Also a new supplemtent the Academies of the Arcane will be released. Long out-of-print Call of Cthulhu campaigns will be released after 20 years. Beyond the Mountains of Madness and Horror on the Orient Express are back in print. A charity bundle on Itch.io for Tiago Rolim, a Latin American game designer suffering from COVID-19. The bundle featuring 72 items by Latin America deigners. Some of the games included are Lucas Rolim’s Pacts & Blades, M. A. Gaux’s Mínimo, and Melo’s CBR+PNK. Finally, we puzzle over the Minecraft generation’s comments section on the Polygon article about the career of Tex Avery.
#troikarpg #troikafast #helptiagorolim #texavery



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Intro song is “Chips” by Kokoro No Me