Matt and Jeremy talk about their best and worst of 2024!


ALIEN RPG Destroyer of Worlds

ALIEN RPG Chariot of the Gods

Outgunned: Indy Heat 1985 

Ironsworn by Shawn Tomkins 

Outgunned Adventure RPG (Dune break)

Dune 2d20 RPG (16 sessions)

Blade Runner RPG – Case File 02 Fiery Angels

Magnagothica: Maleghast


Bryan Ansell and Jennell Jaquays Pass, Halo Wargame, New MtG Art and The End Deck of Sexy Things, DCC on Roll 20, Jaquays Tribute Dungeon and Ars Magica Evil Genius v. Netflix, Old World RPG,  Fall of the Imperium and Guildball PnPTencent Buys DnD, CMON Rescue, Rogue Trooper Movie and Tabletop KS Declines Starfinder 2E, Free League 2024, Free RPG Day,  Skirmish Games and Dragonlance DnD 2024 Revision Late, Epic Warpath, OpenAI Wins and The Purple Planet Return to Perinthos, Evil Genius Demise, CMON Exclusivity and Pathfinder OSTs StarTrek Adventures 2E, UltraPro D&D 50th, Paranoia 25th Anniversary Bundle & Life in ReterraChaosium Challenge, Dune Bundle, Grimdark CoD, Mass Effect & AIien Nexus Tales of the Valiant, Ninja Division, Daggerheart, Puerto Rico and Heroscape Edgerunners, Enemy Within, D&D LEGOs, Coriolis: The Great Dark & RIP Jim Ward Best of Magpie, Mystic Punks RPG, New AoS, Hasbro AI and Cairn 2nd Edition Blackmilk D&D, Sundered Isles, Doppel Mini, TROIKA! Bundle and Ed Piskor RIP Astroprisma, The Black Company, Dimension 20 at MSG, Gummy Quest & ChampionsOM Maggot Machine, Monolith Gets Rackham, KS Late Pledges, WotC CEO & Yes And MEKBORG, Embracer Divides, Zone Wars Retail, This is FreeTrader Beowulf and Roll20 CMON /Japon Brand, Miku:The Gathering, Hasbro Videogames, Goblinko Video Game & STA 2E D&D Beyond Changes, 13th Age 2E, Edgerunners Starter Kit and The Sassoon Files Darkness at the Brink of Ohio, One More Multiverse RIP, Greyhawk and Solomon Kane  Replicant Rebellion, Battletech 40th, Adobe Diss and Outgunned Adventure Andy Chambers Heads Konflikt ‘47, Endless Horrors, Wallet Games and Mork Borg Roll20/Demiplane, Steamforged/Warmachine, Instagram AI and Fantasy Grounds Electric State Movie, Delta Green Bundle, DC20 Breaks $1 Million and WacomWarhammer 5E, Grey Knight for Pendrangon, Evil Genius Games and Free RPG Day Modiphius + Strato Minis Studio, CRIT Awards, Caverns of Thracia & Rascal News Roll20 Security Breach, Modiphius UK, Helluva Town and Five Parsecs Tactics Publishers Scammed, Phantasy Star TTRPG, Etsy Now Sells AI and Sexist D&DGURPS 4E, Lancer 2nd Printing New Cover, Actual Plays and Eldritch Automata Alchemy VTT Bundle, D&D VTT This Year, Pirate Borg Expansions and WotC Credits Cosmere TTRPG, 2024 ENNIES, D&D Video Takedowns and Mantic Deadzone Frontier Welcome to Nightvale RPG, William King Konflikt’47, Free League PDFs on Alchemy and AI Paizo Giveaway, Golden Demon AI, Amazon 40k and Star Trek 1E Bundle D&D Beyond Debacle, Gav Thorpe Joins Konflikt 47, Start Here RPG & Konflikt’47 Paul Sawyer, Plasmodics RPG, More D&D Spirits and Barbarians of Lemuria+ Cyberpunk 2077, Faster Purple Worm the Book, Wharf Rat Games and AI in D&DPHB, Paul Sawyer, Gold Teeth, Vanguard: Normandy, Expanse RPG, Elfquest & 2LM More Alien 2E, D&D Help Wanted, Dropfleet Commander 2E and Horizons Magazine Super Hero Trademark, Darktide Card Game, Mythic Dissolves and Mothership RPG  Lone Wolf RPG, PHB 2024 Reprint, Bolt Action Intro Set and Fighting Fantasy, Trench Crusade, Baldur’s Gate 3 AP, Mythic Carpathia for Vaesen and Bludgeoon Stay Frosty, Deep Cuts, Black Powder and Brimstone and Ashes Without Number, Household Bundle, Star Trek 2E Starter Set, N5 Delayed and Higher Tariffs, Sony to Buy Kadokawa, New Grimdark , Household Volume II and Elf Creek Games No More Hasbro Movies, LotR on D&D Beyond, Exodus TTRPG and Black Friday Sales, PAX Unplugged, Amazon Warhammer Deal, Elves for One Ring and Free League & 2LM UK Copyright Reform, Vallejo Strike, Wyrmwood Layoffs and Doomsong


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#magicmind #mentalwealth #mentalperformance

#2024 #actualplay #TTRPGs #wargaming

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Intro song is “Chips” by KokoroNoMe


MEKBORG and STEEL PSALM are two books that take the raw, old-school, d20-friendly rules of MÖRKBORG and dip them headfirst into post-apocalyptic, mechanical, MEK-KNIGHT mayhem, drawing inspiration from robot-on-robot combat, doom metal aesthetics, and more. Fight over the scraps of what little remains in an easy-to-learn campaign setting that puts aesthetics and mood before rules and crunch.

The companies that previously made Embracer’s games portfolio are also tasked with paying off its $1.5 billion debt. The company announced it is splitting into three separate entities: Asmodee, Coffee Stain & Friends, and Middle-earth Enterprises & Friends. Now, CEO Lars Wingefors claims it’s all part of a plan to eventually make good games and make money from them.

Free League announced a new tabletop miniatures game of skirmish combat today. Titled Mutant Year Zero: Zone Wars, and set in the post-apocalyptic wasteland of Mutant Year Zero, the game joins its lofty brethren Fallout: Wasteland Warfare and Fallout Factions in giving everyone, everywhere some kind of post-apocalyptic skirmish game to play.

This is Free Trader Beowulf is a history of the Traveller RPG. Traveller is the first science fiction role-playing game ever published, and its history is fascinating. If you have ever wondered where Traveller came from and how it has evolved over its many editions, this is the PDF for you.

Coordinating your online tabletop group for a game night is going to get a little bit easier. Popular virtual tabletop tool Roll20 is coming to Discord, integrating right into the chat and voice platform. So, instead of running Roll20 separately in a browser with some other voice client, you can start the activity from right inside Discord itself.

#MEKBORG #Embracer #ZoneWars #TravellerRPG #Roll20

This is Free Trader Beowulf PDF:

Physical copy from Mongoose Publishing:

MEKBORG Kickstarter:

Troika! Book Bundle:

RPG Humble Bundles:

Shop at Noble Knight Games (affiliate link)

10% off First Purchase from Modiphius:

Dragonbane Actual Play Episode One:

Dragonbane Core Set:

Dragonbane Free Quickstart:

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Intro song is “Chips” by KokoroNoMe


Paizo has released the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest, which includes a 264-page softcover playtest rulebook. The rulebook features new content, six classes, new ancestries, feats, spells, equipment system, and more, using Pathfinder Second Edition rules as a foundation. Two playtest adventures, “A Cosmic Birthday” and “Empires Devoured,” are also introduced, each designed to showcase the new Second Edition rules and create narrative-driven experiences. The playtest materials will be available for free in PDF format at launch.

Free League Publishing has unveiled its 2024 games slate, including two new games and 11 RPG expansions. The new games are Mutant Year Zero: Zone Wars (a tabletop miniatures skirmish game) and The Electric State Roleplaying Game. RPG expansions include titles for Alien RPG, Mutant: Year Zero, Blade Runner RPG, Ruins of Symbaroum, The One Ring RPG, and more.

Free RPG Day 2024 is scheduled for June 22, 2024, featuring RPG adventures, previews, exclusives, and accessories from various companies like Renegade Game Studios, Paizo, WizKids, and more.

Cool Mini or Not and Knight Models are set to launch two new Game of Thrones wargames, “A Song of Ice And Fire: Tactics” and “Game of Thrones Miniature Game.” The games offer different gameplay styles, including massed battles and strategic skirmish wargaming. Knight Models emphasizes detailed miniatures, while CMON introduces a playable diorama with a giant dragon, Drogon, as a centerpiece in its crowdfunding campaign.

Modiphius is releasing Fallout: Factions Nuka-World, a versus skirmish game set in the Fallout universe.

The game features customizable gang-members, standard d10 dice, and a streamlined resolution system.

Players aim to control Nuka World, engaging in fast-paced player-versus-player games with ongoing narrative development.

Joe Manganiello confirms that the proposed live-action Dragonlance project is not moving forward.

The project faced obstacles, including Hasbro’s sale of eOne studio and the poor performance of a Dragonlance D&D adventure and board game in 2022. Despite positive feedback on the script, efforts to revive the project, including Manganiello’s attempt to buy the rights, have not succeeded, but he remains optimistic about potential future developments.

#starfinder #freeleague #fallout #dragonlance #gameofthrones

Free Starfinder Playtest Rules:

Free RPG Day Website:

Shop at Noble Knight Games (affiliate link)

10% off First Purchase from Modiphius:

Dragonbane Actual Play Episode One:

Dragonbane Core Set:

Dragonbane Free Quickstart:

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Abusecartoons Weekly Cartoons:​​

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Intro song is “Chips” by KokoroNoMe