“Four score and seven days ago, I did not have sex with that woman. My opponents have brought forth these allegations to distract the nation from the problems of slavery and secession.”  – Abraham Lincoln

In this episode, we talk about politicians, the media, and bureaucracy.

We spent 2011 painstakingly researching the cultures and wars that shaped the knight and samurai in order to give you an hour of solid entertainment. It would take us longer to list all of the topics we cover in the episode than the actual running time. (I’m not sure how that’s mathematically possible, but it’s true.) We even manage to squeeze in some Roman history, if Spartacus: Blood and Sand counts as history.

Happy New Year!

Lyal knew a guy who gave his girlfriend a picture of himself for Christmas. In that spirit, here’s our gift to you: an episode of us talking about what we want for Christmas. We discuss what games we’d like to receive, what games we’d like to see made and what games we’d like to actually play next. So, listen to find out what RPGs and board games you need to get this Christmas.

Merry Christmas! (We had to talk Chris out of dropping the t.)

Correction: The new expansion for the Privateer Press miniatures game Hordes is “Hordes: Domination“, not Dominion as incorrectly stated by Wayne. Let’s hope Santa puts the correct thing under his tree anyway.