For Halloween this year, we discuss our top 5 horror settings for role-playing. These settings, from movies, books, and television, aren’t necessarily our favorite ones to watch or read, but they are the most interesting and inspirational settings to play in. Let us know if you agree with us!

Note that we deliberately didn’t include settings that are currently being used for games. Do you really need another gaming list topped by Call of Cthulhu and World of Darkness?

If you would like to skip the full discussion and go right to the final top 5, please visit our YouTube channel.

In our last installment of 2012’s Month of Horror, which we missed by six days, we discuss horror movies. Joining us for the discussion is horror movie aficionado (and massive movie spoiler) Josh.
For those hoping to have the first 90 minutes of the 95-minute The Cabin in the Woods explained to them, I’m afraid we cut it out. I guess you’ll have to learn the plot the old-fashioned way: watch it yourself. Fortunately, Lyal, Chris and Wayne don’t have to now. Thanks, Josh.

“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”
– Winston Churchill

Was Churchill talking about World War Two or a game of Axis and Allies?
With an apocalypse, the end is not really the end either. In fact, it’s where the fun really begins, if radiation sickness, starvation and sterility could be called “fun”.
In this episode, we talk about the post-apocalypse, including zombies, vampires, farmers, and Sam Gamgee’s second favourite topic.

Special Note: The Novel which Chris refers to, in which weapons are used to remove information from matter, is titled “The Gone-Away World” by Nick Harkaway.

What do two and a half white men know about blaxploitation movies? Unsurprisingly, very little, but we totally dug playing Soul Patrol, Wayne’s funky version of Cosmic Patrol. In this episode, we chill, get our groove on and review the righteous Cosmic Patrol from Catalyst Game Labs. We also discuss what other genres would work well with this slick game. Solid!

Lyal knew a guy who gave his girlfriend a picture of himself for Christmas. In that spirit, here’s our gift to you: an episode of us talking about what we want for Christmas. We discuss what games we’d like to receive, what games we’d like to see made and what games we’d like to actually play next. So, listen to find out what RPGs and board games you need to get this Christmas.

Merry Christmas! (We had to talk Chris out of dropping the t.)

Correction: The new expansion for the Privateer Press miniatures game Hordes is “Hordes: Domination“, not Dominion as incorrectly stated by Wayne. Let’s hope Santa puts the correct thing under his tree anyway.