We’ve all been there. Your evening starts with such promise. Then, ten, fifteen, or twenty minutes into a movie, you realize that the movie is going to suck – hard. A crap movie hurts in so many ways: sadness, loss of time and money, boredom.
Idle Red Hands can help. Idle Red Hands is a prescription podcast that treats many symptoms of crap movies by showing you how elements of them can be turned into great games. Don’t let crap movies crap on you.

*Tell your doctor right away if your boredom worsens, you have unusual changes in behavior (besides better games), you have thoughts of suicide, or you find Wayne’s jokes funny. Side effects may include backache, earache, and nausea. If you have an allergic reaction, such as hives, rash, or swelling of the lips, stop listening and consult your doctor.

With 2013 coming to an end, we decide to make gaming resolutions, the geekiest kind of all. Listen to find out what games we will strive to play and make in 2014. Chris’s first resolution opens with an apology of sorts. Unfortunately, as usual, no one can remember what he said before to warrant the apology.  Wayne’s resolution kind of comes out of nowhere, as if he made it up just for this episode. It will be interesting to see if he’ll ever bring it up again. Lyal’s resolution is a repeat from an earlier episode. However, if 2013 has taught us anything, it’s that Lyal can and will repeat himself.

“Four score and seven days ago, I did not have sex with that woman. My opponents have brought forth these allegations to distract the nation from the problems of slavery and secession.”  – Abraham Lincoln

In this episode, we talk about politicians, the media, and bureaucracy.

Jupiter’s middle leg! Has it been C episodes already? Gratitude for listening. At times, words fell from our mouths as crap from ass. However, we pray we offered some manner of good advice on other occasions. We plan to continue as long as desire wills our tongues.

In episode C, we offer another installment of Warriors.  Here we discuss  Gladiators, the brotherhood of the stadium.

Let’s look 100 years into the future to see what 2012 will bring!

A pneumatic tube messaging craze will sweep the country!
Science will find the cure for racism: all babies born in 2012 will be white!
Automatons will do all domestic chores! Women will stay in the kitchen for the fun of it!
Man will teach dogs and cats to talk! Will learn that they never really had much to say!
The Idle Red Hands, a radio program about Marxism, will win best show of the year!

In this Literature Lesson, we look at the science fiction of Verne, Wells, and Burroughs. Despite having an outline that includes colonialism, eugenics and xenophobia, we’re actually surprised when the show gets dark.

Lyal knew a guy who gave his girlfriend a picture of himself for Christmas. In that spirit, here’s our gift to you: an episode of us talking about what we want for Christmas. We discuss what games we’d like to receive, what games we’d like to see made and what games we’d like to actually play next. So, listen to find out what RPGs and board games you need to get this Christmas.

Merry Christmas! (We had to talk Chris out of dropping the t.)

Correction: The new expansion for the Privateer Press miniatures game Hordes is “Hordes: Domination“, not Dominion as incorrectly stated by Wayne. Let’s hope Santa puts the correct thing under his tree anyway.

Eight years after its release, the always topical Idle Red Hands review new(ish) RPG kid on the block Savage Worlds. Does the game live up to its promise of being “fast, furious, and fun”? Well, one of us found it fast, another found it fun, and someone was furious. Listen to find out who thought what.

Yujiro guest hosts. (Hey! That makes four people. Now, you really need to listen to the episode.)

In a land very much like your own, but with more Sailor Moon uniforms, three podcasters did an episode on Changeling: The Lost. Lyal thought it was too dark. Wayne thought it wasn’t dark enough. Chris thought, well, that was never quite clear.

So, the three podcasters decided to look for gaming inspiration from real fairy tales. Chris collected ladies’ shoes until his wife caught him. Wayne looked for his sleeping beauty until hospital security barred him from the coma ward. Lyal ordered a “living doll” from the Internet, but he never actually said what happened with that.

Then, the three little trolls found the comic Fables and a podcast episode took shape.

Special offer! Download Part 1 for free and get Part 2 for the low, low price of nothing. Offer expires in 2056.

In this installment of Campaign Confessions, we look at the World of Darkness system and the Vampire: The Requiem setting and system. We also explain how we track blood/glamour, health, and damage in Vampire and Changeling. (There’s some dispute over who gets credit for that.)

Yujiro guest hosts.

Rocket Nazis! Airships! The Castle of Endless Stealth Rolls! Will Rex “Blade” Richards and his trusty band of sidekicks be able to stop the Nazis from unleashing their secret weapon on the world? Find out in the thrilling conclusion to “The Curse of the Atlantean ‘Thing'”!

In this episode, we discuss Hollow Earth Expedition and the Ubiquity system. We also talk about what we liked and didn’t like about Wayne’s pulp adventure.

Tom and Yujiro guest host again.

For those of you interested in trying out Hollow Earth Expedition for yourselves, you can find two free sample adventures in PDF form (Stranded in the Hollow Earth and Kidnapped in the Hollow Earth) complete with sample characters and a streamlined version of the Ubiquity rules from the Exile Games website.