Jupiter’s middle leg! Has it been C episodes already? Gratitude for listening. At times, words fell from our mouths as crap from ass. However, we pray we offered some manner of good advice on other occasions. We plan to continue as long as desire wills our tongues.

In episode C, we offer another installment of Warriors.  Here we discuss  Gladiators, the brotherhood of the stadium.

What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the word “slavery”? “Fun”? “Engaging”? No? Well, after this episode you just might. Probably not, though.

Plus: The Lord of the Rings: The Untold Story

We spent 2011 painstakingly researching the cultures and wars that shaped the knight and samurai in order to give you an hour of solid entertainment. It would take us longer to list all of the topics we cover in the episode than the actual running time. (I’m not sure how that’s mathematically possible, but it’s true.) We even manage to squeeze in some Roman history, if Spartacus: Blood and Sand counts as history.

Happy New Year!