Following the miniatures skirmish boardgame, Mantic is following up with a Hellboy TTPRG designed by Marc Langworthy of Red Scar Publishing. It will launch on Kickstarter and be powered by 5E of the World’s Greatest Role-playing Game. Amazon releases Starfinder audio game for Alexa. Featuring the voices of Nathan Fillion and Laura Bailey. GenCon Online releases the winners of the 2020 Ennie awards. Again this year Free League is a big winner with the Alien RPG and Mörk Borg. Thousand Year Old Vampire and Ironsworn Delve were also winners. As of this release, the Star Trek 2d20 Humble Bundle is now concluded, but the PDFs are available on DriveThruRPG and the free quickstart is on the Modiphius store. The Masters of the Universe going to be a pen and paper RPG power by Cortex Prime. Legends of Grayskull will be published in 2021 and will include a 250-page hardcover guidebook with pull-out maps, a digital companion, a community content creation and sharing platform, and an organized play program.

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