In our first episode of our third annual Month of Horror, we look at the Inquisition. Sodomy, bigamy, heresy, and witch, uh, sorcery; this episode has it all. We discuss how to play an inquisitor as an antagonist (easy) and how to play them as a protagonist (not so easy).

Special guest appearances by one of Lyal’s cats and some of his dishes. He has since been brought in for questioning on suspicion of witchcraft.

Whether you want to run a fast-paced game that leaves your players struggling to catch their breaths or a slow-paced game that squeezes every drop of feeling out of each line, this episode is for you. If you want to run a game at a medium pace, this episode isn’t for you so much.

In our second Locales episode, we look at prisons with their bars, confinement, monotony, brutality and rape. Your players will love them.
We also review, with no spoilers, Prometheus and The Avengers, and discuss how to improve your Werewolf: The Forsaken game.

“Look, I get it. You guys thought that without Chris you could squeeze two topics into one episode. One less host means less talking. Does that sound about right?”
“Uh, yeah. Something like that.”
“There’s just one thing: you guys always knew it would run long! Chris wasn’t the reason episodes ran long in the past. If anything, his ability to kill a conversation kept the episode times down. So, when did you realize he wasn’t the problem, before or after you killed him?”
“Wu-what? We never thought he was a problem.”
“Oh, so you killed him for nothing.”

In part two of the D&D 4e Campaign Confessions, we talk about what we liked and didn’t like about Chris’ Red Hands campaign. Fight! Actually, not really. Chris just quietly takes the criticism. Wayne says it’s because Chris is so easygoing. Lyal says it’s because Chris is a time bomb. You be the judge.

We touch on the use of flashbacks, what makes for a good villain, and character death.

Yujiro and Tom join us again.