A chimpanzee, dolphin and octopus walk into a bar. The bartender takes their order.

In this episode, we discuss transhumanism and posthumanism. We consider whether or not to explore what it means to be human (i.e., whether to outnavel-gaze a WoD player or whether to just have fun) and what kind of world to play in (“We have both kinds of topia: dys and u.”).


In our second Locales episode, we look at prisons with their bars, confinement, monotony, brutality and rape. Your players will love them.
We also review, with no spoilers, Prometheus and The Avengers, and discuss how to improve your Werewolf: The Forsaken game.

When Hollywood runs out of Saturday morning cartoons to make into movies, we suggest a new source for shaky ideas: pen and paper roleplaying games. (Because, really, The Smurfs?)

In this episode, we discuss the few RPG movies out there, and then we pitch our own ideas for RPG movies.