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In this installment of Campaign Confessions, we look at the World of Darkness system and the Vampire: The Requiem setting and system. We also explain how we track blood/glamour, health, and damage in Vampire and Changeling. (There’s some dispute over who gets credit for that.)

Yujiro guest hosts.

You’d think that a bunch of guys who spend their weekends playing games would have nothing to say about seduction. Well, you’d be wrong. You’d think that a bunch of (mostly) heterosexual guys coming on to each across a table would get awkward. Well, you’d be right.

In this episode, we discuss how to incorporate romance and seduction into your games.

“Interesting” was apparently Lyal’s word of the day. He has since bought a thesaurus.

Rocket Nazis! Airships! The Castle of Endless Stealth Rolls! Will Rex “Blade” Richards and his trusty band of sidekicks be able to stop the Nazis from unleashing their secret weapon on the world? Find out in the thrilling conclusion to “The Curse of the Atlantean ‘Thing'”!

In this episode, we discuss Hollow Earth Expedition and the Ubiquity system. We also talk about what we liked and didn’t like about Wayne’s pulp adventure.

Tom and Yujiro guest host again.

For those of you interested in trying out Hollow Earth Expedition for yourselves, you can find two free sample adventures in PDF form (Stranded in the Hollow Earth and Kidnapped in the Hollow Earth) complete with sample characters and a streamlined version of the Ubiquity rules from the Exile Games website.

Yujiro is back! Welcome to our other guest host, Tom!

Campaign Confessions are episodes where we look at one of the campaigns we are playing. The first part focuses on the game system (and possibly setting), and the second part focuses on the actual story.

In our first episode of Campaign Confessions, we look at the game run by Chris: D&D 4e. We’re a little late to the party, we know. We blame the time difference between Japan and North America, which I believe is 12 hours and 18 months. Don’t tell us who won last year’s Stanley Cup, please.

About halfway through Lyal’s tangent on the Star Wars toys he owned as a kid, you’ll wonder how boring Wayne’s Toys ‘R’ Us tangent must have been to have been cut from episode 0.

In this episode, we look at the morality and motivation systems in Dungeons and Dragons, Palladium, World of Darkness and DC Heroes. We discuss whether they work for their games, whether they’d work for other games, and whether we need systems like these at all. There’s also a great tip on how your lawful good character can be a cold-blooded torturer and still stay true to their alignment. No kidding.

For those of you that thought that episodes 0 and 1 were okay but could have used more Wayne, this episode is for you.

The topic for episode 3 is alluded to at the end. Unfortunately, we lost the episode. The “experiment” is a series of mini-campaigns we have planned to explore different genres and systems. We’ll discuss these in future episodes.