After twelve years of working together, Gale Force Nine is suing Wizards of the Coast for non-payment. WotC is stating dissatisfaction with the translation work done for TRPG Club for Korean translation and Black Book Editions for the French translation. ROLE is calling itself a dating app for roleplaying players and groups. They will open their early access to not only Kickstarter backers, but anyone interested in trying the platform. We also talk about failing forward in tabletop game systems like Powered by the Apocalypse, Year Zero Engine, 2d20 and Gumshoe.

#galeforcenine #rolevtt #failingforward #theweekly


If you played Star Wars as a kid on the playground or with the almost endless number of Kenner toys, you probably wanted to try it on the tabletop as a role-playing game. What is the best way to do it? What system would you use? Of the licensed game out there from West End Games or Fantasy Flight Games and also the fan homebrews, which system would you choose? Are there better systems that have never been adapted? We try to cover the topic including what makes a game feel like Star Wars and how you explore the universe without the rules getting in the way. This discussion could equally apply to all games based on popular intellectual properties and how to make a successful translation to the tabletop. Session zero and understanding player expectations as well as what are the limitations of the setting are also covered.

So sharpen those lightsabers and swaddle those HVTs as we dive deep into playing Star Wars as a roleplaying game from three different perspectives.
#starwars #westendgames #pbta #fantasyflightgames


This week Chris and I discuss… not that Chris, the other one. We discuss GenCon and its possible cancellation. San Diego Comic-Con and WonderCon canceled. Kickstarter down 35% and facing layoffs, but maybe just the labor organizers. Star Wars Powered by the Apocalypse Engine. Solo gaming with Tunnels and Trolls by Flying Buffaloe and the zine RPG, The Artefact by Jack Harrison. Microscope a Fractal Roleplaying Game of Epic History by Lame Mage Productions. Frosthaven Kickstarter in its final week and breaking US$9 million.

Microscope: A  Fractal RPG of Epic History:

Star Wars Omegas Edition:

Frosthaven Kickstarter:

The Artefact RPG:


Original Star Wars opening crawl text. Last session of the Alien RPG tonight. Cinematic adventures versus campaigns. Siege of Terra latest book The Lost and the Damned. Conan 2d20 Bundle of Holding. Demigods by Jason Mills on Kickstarter. Tears of a Machine, a Powered by the Apocalypse anime-inspired teens and mechs RPG. Gundam, Pacific Rim, and its unfortunate sequel. #alienrpg #demigodsrpg


Demigods Kickstarter:

Tears of a Machine RPG:

Conan 2d20 Bundle of Holding:

Idle Red Hands on Patreon:

Chris on Twitter:

Fate Patreon: