For Halloween this year, we discuss our top 5 horror settings for role-playing. These settings, from movies, books, and television, aren’t necessarily our favorite ones to watch or read, but they are the most interesting and inspirational settings to play in. Let us know if you agree with us!

Note that we deliberately didn’t include settings that are currently being used for games. Do you really need another gaming list topped by Call of Cthulhu and World of Darkness?

If you would like to skip the full discussion and go right to the final top 5, please visit our YouTube channel.

In our last installment of 2012’s Month of Horror, which we missed by six days, we discuss horror movies. Joining us for the discussion is horror movie aficionado (and massive movie spoiler) Josh.
For those hoping to have the first 90 minutes of the 95-minute The Cabin in the Woods explained to them, I’m afraid we cut it out. I guess you’ll have to learn the plot the old-fashioned way: watch it yourself. Fortunately, Lyal, Chris and Wayne don’t have to now. Thanks, Josh.

“No, we’re okay, now that we’re not murdered or anything.”
-Joy Ride

In this episode, we debut another series: movie genres. To kick it off, we discuss thrillers and what thrilling tricks we can use in our games to make them more, yup, thrilling. Lyal talks about submarine movies. Wayne talks about submarine movies. No, wait, that was Lyal talking over Wayne. Chris talks about getting a lot of “great ideas” from Lady in the Water, despite it being pretty far from thrilling and pretty far from great.

Chris podcasts from inside a can again.

“What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of FATE.” – Donald Trump

Out of the mouths of real estate moguls authors presidential candidates reality TV stars.

In this addition to Campaign Confessions, we discuss the FATE RPG system and Chris’s weird war campaign. What made it so weird? Listen to the episode.

As an added bonus, we also review the Dominion card game.