Chris: “Lyal, Can I play Batman in your DC game. Batman with a Scottish accent. ‘Ach. Ay’m the heerooo this city deserves, ya wee lass.'”
Lyal: “Wow. I’m not looking forward to that, but sure. Wayne?”
Wayne: “Hmm, maybe Sen … Sensible … Sensual … Sen … tence. Centennial. The Centennial.”
Lyal: “The Sentry. Wrong universe. How about Superman?”
Wayne: “No thanks. I do like Spee … Speeder … Speederma … Spice. Spicer … Spicerman …”
Lyal: “Spider-Man. Wrong universe, again.”

In this episode, we discuss the advantages of playing iconic characters as well as retelling classic or not so classic stories. Also, listen to find out what all the fuss about Sparks Nevada is.

It’s our 25th episode, and we celebrate with our most self-indulgent one to date: a two-part review of our current passion, HBO’s Game of Thrones. This makes you wonder what’s in store for episode 50. A look at the mechs of Lyal’s Ghost Bear trinary? Chris’s guide to the peanut butters of the world? Wayne’s glowing review of Warmachine and Hordes? (Oh, wait. We’re doing that last one before episode 50. Spoiler!)

As promised, Waymar Royce was played by Rob Ostlere.

Correction: Peter Dinklage was in The Station Agent, not “The Stationmaster”.

Oscar Wilde once said, “(A)ny fool can make history, but it takes a genius to podcast about it.” At least, he would have said that if he’d listened to this episode (and had known what a podcast was).

In this episode, we look at how to give your setting a history and a background by using names, prejudices, quotes, forgotten monuments and other tricks.

Wayne reveals a trick of his own when he uses his precognition to critique Lyal’s points before Lyal actually makes them.

In a land very much like your own, but with more Sailor Moon uniforms, three podcasters did an episode on Changeling: The Lost. Lyal thought it was too dark. Wayne thought it wasn’t dark enough. Chris thought, well, that was never quite clear.

So, the three podcasters decided to look for gaming inspiration from real fairy tales. Chris collected ladies’ shoes until his wife caught him. Wayne looked for his sleeping beauty until hospital security barred him from the coma ward. Lyal ordered a “living doll” from the Internet, but he never actually said what happened with that.

Then, the three little trolls found the comic Fables and a podcast episode took shape.