Modiphius Entertainment has acquired Strato Minis Studio, a Polish company known for its resin miniatures and games such as Hardwar, Retrobots, and Stratoyager. Modiphius will take over the development of these lines, starting with a re-launch of Hardwar, a 6mm scale miniatures game centered on sci-fi mech, armor, and aerial combat. Modiphius co-founder Chris Birch praised the Strato Minis team for their intricate world-building and expressed plans to expand the game’s audience. The new Hardwar line will be released in stages, including a reprint of the core rules and a free quickstart PDF to help new players.

The CRIT Awards, organized by Ivy, announced on June 24 that their in-person ceremony would not return to Gen Con due to safety concerns. This decision followed social media backlash after the nomination of a performer associated with WafflesMapleSyrup, a studio criticized for its Zionist stance. Omega Jones, the intended host, suggested that Gen Con forced the awards to withdraw due to their anti-Zionist stance. The CRIT Awards emphasized the difficulty of the decision and urged the community to avoid harassment or violence. No official comments were received from Gen Con or CRIT Awards at the time of publication.

The Caverns of Thracia, a legendary mega-dungeon adventure, has successfully raised $352,007, far exceeding its $10,000 goal. The campaign offers both 5E and Dungeon Crawl Classics (DCC) editions, featuring a rich narrative set in an ancient dungeon filled with formidable foes and numerous secrets. The project supports a full-year campaign with extensive content, including new monsters, magic items, and spells. Stretch goals have expanded the adventure’s scope, and new scenarios and add-ons have been introduced. Backers can choose between classic hardcover or special limited editions with unique cover art and custom dice sets inspired by the adventure’s theme.

Rascal News, an independent TTRPG and culture outlet, is running its first pledge drive to ensure sustainability and support freelance writers. Launched in February, Rascal has grown to 4,150 members, including 1,050 paying subscribers. The drive aims to enable the co-founders to write full-time and commission more freelance content. Subscriber goals range from increasing contributors to attending conventions and launching a podcast. The drive runs from July 1 to August 3, with various events planned to engage the community and attract new subscribers. Rascal remains committed to reader-funded, ad-free journalism and seeks support to continue its unique, voice-driven coverage of the TTRPG world.

#modiphius #critawards #cavernsofthracia #rascalnews

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Wizards of the Coast is working on a revision of the 5th edition of D&D, initially referred to as One D&D and later as the 2024 revision. However, the release of the Monster Manual, the final book in the revised rulebooks, is delayed until February 18, 2025, a year after the game’s 51st anniversary. The Player’s Handbook (2024) is expected to release on September 17, 2024, followed by the Dungeon Master’s Guide on November 12, 2024, and the Monster Manual on February 18, 2025. Two new adventures for D&D: “Vecna: Eve of Ruin” and “Quests from the Infinite Staircase,” offering diverse settings and challenges will also be released this year. A history book titled “The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons: 1970-1977” by Jon Peterson is set to release on June 18, 2024. The 3D virtual tabletop for D&D, aiming to enhance the gaming experiences also due some time this year. Additional products, including footwear and apparel from Converse, an official LEGO IDEAS building set, and treats from Pop-Tarts. 

A new sci-fi wargame called “Epic Warpath” by Mantic Games is introduced, drawing inspiration from the classic Epic 40k and involving tiny miniatures in large-scale battles. The Kickstarter campaign is now live and is only running for 15 days. Four Warpath army factions are included with the possibility of unlocking two more as Stretch Goals.

Comedian Sarah Silverman and other authors filed a copyright case against OpenAI, alleging that ChatGPT pirated their work. The court partially dismissed some claims, but the main complaint of direct copyright infringement remains. This is one of several copyright lawsuits Open AI is facing including suits from John Grisham, George R.R. Martin and The New York Times.

Goodman Games is running a crowdfunding campaign for Adventures On the Purple Planet, offering various DCC RPG products, including a hardcover compilation, dice sets, accessories, and more. This campaign is on Backerkit and is a hardcover volume including all the contents of the previously released Purple Planet boxed set. Seven publishers are also contributing to this campaign and the more campaigns you support the more you can save as well as getting a free 3d6 dice set.

#DnD #epicwarpath #mantic #openAI #purpleplanet

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The Deck of Sexy Things is a deck of playing cards designed for Dungeon Masters to handle romantic/sexual encounters in tabletop role-playing games. The cards will be fully agnostic, suitable for any race, gender, or orientation in characters.They can be used as a standard 52-card French-suited deck for various purposes. Each card features artwork by the artist 13th Warlock, portraying scenes for different circumstances (positive, neutral, negative, or weird). The crowdfunding campaign will Include game mechanics for various gaming systems such as AD&D, D&D 5E, Pathfinder, Castles & Crusades, Savage Worlds, FAST Core, and 13th Age. The deck will be printed on premium, casino-quality card stock for durability and high-resolution printing. Stretch goals include a Card Art Book PDF, Call of Cthulhu deck rules, Science Fiction Jokers, and a free PDF of The Folio: Black Label #1 Adventure.

Goodman Games plans to bring Dungeon Crawl Classics (DCC) to Roll20 through a crowdfunding campaign. DCC is an old-school fantasy dungeon-crawling RPG featuring unique mechanics and a challenging character progression system. The Roll20 integration includes all DCC mechanics, iconic adventures, and a campaign path from level 0 to 3. The crowdfunding campaign will launch in early February and aims to fund the complete DCC integration on Roll20.

Tabletop designers are organizing a game jam to create a megadungeon in memory of game designer and activist Jennell Jaquays.The game jam, named Return to Perinthos, encourages participants to submit dungeon content inspired by classic D&D adventure Caverns of Thracia. Crowdfunding proceeds will support Jaquays’ family, and profits from wholesale and retail sales will benefit Trans Lifeline, a grassroots nonprofit. Submissions are accepted until February 1st, and the project aims to create a diverse, system-agnostic dungeon.

Ars Magica, an RPG set in mythic Europe in the 1200s, is getting a definitive 5th Edition. The new edition, called Ars Magica 5th Edition Definitive, features extensive revisions and updates, including new art and layout. The crowdfunding campaign is set to launch in fall 2024, offering a deluxe, full-color, hardcover print edition with an open license. Atlas Games has also “resurrected” the original printer files for the Ars Magica 5th Edition line, making the entire back catalog compatible with the new edition.

#arsmagica #megadungeon #dcc #roll20

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Is one neverending Dungeons and Dragons edition a mistake?

We take a look at 2023 in all its WotC bashing, OGL mishap glory!

Plus the final Brinkwatch of 2023!

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The Fantasy AGE Core Rulebook will introduce the game’s second edition when Green Ronin Publishing releases it next month.

Paizo runs out of  core rulebooks until April 2023 after being bombarded with Weeks’ Worth of Orders During OGL 1.1 Battle.

Kobold Press thanks Wizards of the Coast for listening to the community and responding by releasing the SRD 5.1 into Creative Commons. This change ensures that 5E remains available to everyone, including Kobold Press.First, Project Black Flag is going forward. Their timeline is unchanged. The first phase of playtesting releases at the end of February 2023. 

Cubicle 7 are developing an upcoming tabletop RPG called Broken Weave, which will contain an early look at their newly developed rules system – C7d20, which will be compatible with Dungeons & Dragons 5E, or rather that edition’s System Reference Document (SRD) 5.1 that Wizards of the Coast released under a Creative Commons license. 

Goodman Games announced that January 2023 was the best sales month in its two-decade history. Sales through the Goodman Games online store reached an all-time high, exceeding even prior Black Friday and holiday special events, while other channels saw similar growth. Dungeon Crawl Classics core rulebooks moved at a brisk pace throughout the month, as several accessories and adventure modules sold out.

 Gamefound fell short of its goals in 2022, but still ate into Kickstarter’s lead in tabletop.

Marcin Świerkot, founder of the upstart crowdfunding platform Gamefound, set an ambitious goal for his company in 2022. He and his team hoped to bring in $67.5 million — 25% of competitor Kickstarter’s revenue from tabletop projects in 2021. In the end, he fell well short of that goal. The Poland-based Gamefound increased its revenue more than 45% last year, earning just $28.3 million for new projects.


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Alex Ziff, co-CEO at MyMiniFactory, and Matt Wilson, chief creative officer at Privateer Press discuss the state of 3D printing and where it will be in 5 years.

Talislanta the Roleplaying Game is Back and after 35 years, still no Elves! New race combos Written and designed by the original Talislanta creator New Atlas New illustrations New equipment and weapons New archetypes, monsters, and creatures All this and more in a Limited Print run. The campaign is being produced by Everything Epic.

This bundle includes hundreds and hundreds of books, I have no idea how many, but it is basically everything we have ever made using the OGL v1.0

#OpenDnD is a rallying cry under which creators and fans have unified to demand that WotC revoke the draconian 1.1 OGL and pledge to support the existing 1.0 OGL into future editions of their games. This isn’t an opportunity to litigate and tinker with a new license, but to return to the values of open gaming. Our community deserves an open future if we want our favorite games to not only survive, but thrive!!  What is #OpenDnD? An open letter on the Open Gaming License, to Wizards of the Coast.

Basic Fantasy Project productions will excise OGL content from its rules. It doesn’t matter whether Hasbro releases their new license or not. It doesn’t matter whether it stands up in court or not. Their attempt to invalidate the license we’ve always depended on and then to effectively steal what we’ve created demonstrates that they are an existential threat to our game. So, what do we do? We excise the OGL.

Apropos of nothing… Chaosium has made Basic Roleplaying aka ‘The Big Gold Book’ only 99 cents on DriveThruRPG (normally $21.95)*. At some point, almost every gamemaster wants to create their own Mythic World. That’s what the Basic Roleplaying System (BRP) is all about! It is simple, fast, and elegant, using a skill-based percentile system. Combat is fast and deadly, and with a strong focus on non-combat skills that some game systems are challenged to support. Players roll percentile dice against the Gamemaster-led opponents, or even themselves.

#Basic Roleplaying #BRP #BigGold


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Your chance to buy the original Shadowrun Logo artwork acquired by Noble Knight Games directly from former FASA art director, Dana Knutson. Measuring 39” x 28” in its frame, this piece would be a striking display, with a custom plaque with the artists’ names and a brief description to give your display a true gallery feel. Still available as of this writing. If you have an extra $35k laying around why not pick it up?

ENWorld has posted their top ten list of the Most Anticipated Games for 2023. This was an open vote by registered users on the ENWorld website. Did the game you are anxiously awaiting make the list?

A daily writing exercise was born in December of last year that spawned from a tweet  by Sean McCoy of Tuesday Knight Games, about his newest project and an image of his notebook. Design a room every day and at the end of the week you have a level and at the end of the year you have a 52 level dungeon. Using a daily planner schedule book, hopefully one with graph paper, you can take it wherever you go. Are you up for the challenge?

Humble Bundle has a great collection of Dungeon Crawl Classics digital books supporting The Starlight Children’s Foundation. 30 books for US$18. The bundle also includes issues of the Magician’s Skull, a collection of Sword and Sorcery fiction, for inspiration. Quite a good deal for books that usually sell for a premium. Check it out at the link below!

#shadowrun #dungeon23 #goodmangames #nobleknightgames

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The Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game announced a release date for its upcoming tabletop RPG. The officially licensed RPG will release a core rulebook in June 2023, followed by an adventure supplement in July. Both books written by Matt Forbeck and artwork by Iban Coello. The core rulebook will package everything a group needs to create their own superheroes and learn the rules. Marvel Multiverse RPG uses three six-sided dice for its s616 system that is both a nod to the prime Marvel universe and Forbeck’s answer to heroic combat where power levels between characters can vary wildly. There is a free playtest still available before the release.

Moonbreaker, a miniature skirmish game on PC, by Unknown Worlds, the developer of Subnautica, wants to make the ‘world’s best digital miniatures game’. Videogames owe a lot to their tabletop counterparts, especially when it comes to turn-based strategy and tactics, but one of the best parts of fielding armies, gets overlooked in the digital realm: model painting. Moonbreaker is trying to do something that more like real tabletop, but for PC gamers. Following the reveal of the One D&D VTT are digital miniatures going to become a thing?

The Settlers of Catan will become a holographic AR board game. Jeri Ellsworth’s intriguing AR headset will create a new version of Catan, one of the most critically acclaimed board games ever made and one that averages over a million copies sold per year. The boardgame will leap off tabletop thanks to a unique augmented reality gaming system that’s been in development for over a decade now. Tilt Five, a startup founded by a former Valve engineer. The company has already had two Kickstarters and has developed 21 AR games.

eBay is acquiring TCGplayer, one of the largest trading card marketplaces. The online auction website continues its push into collectible trading cards. The deal, worth up to $295 million, marks eBay’s latest push into the growing trading card market, which experienced a huge boom during the pandemic. eBay has already invested a lot into trading cards recently including a sports card valuation service and a temperature controlled vault for buyers and sellers to store their cards. Finally, news NOT about things going digital.

Goodman Games have their flagship range in the Bundle of Holding, but only until September 12th. Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG rulebook is back on offer along with introductory modules and expansions. There’s also a new DCC Chaos Rising offer. Both bundles give you fifty Dungeons of amazing Goodman Games RPG value.
#marvelrpg #moonbreaker #catan #DCC

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Astral Virtual Tabletop has suspended active development, but is exploring ways for it to continue into the future. In the meantime, Astral will remain open as long as they are able to maintain their server costs. This is sad news and hopefully there will be some company interested in keeping it going. The platform had the support of DriveThruRPG so the visibility should have helped it. The quality of their “official” content was not amazing but the software itself was quite usable. Let’s hope for the best.

Following the successful 2021 Kickstarter of Pathfinder for Savage Worlds the second oldest adventure path is now being adapted to the Savage Worlds system. Curse of the Crimson Throne is now available along with the Advanced Player’s Guide adapted to Savage Worlds. All of the releases from the previous Kickstarter are also available. The website also encourages you to order directly from their website if you want the older boxed sets right away.

Free RPG Day 2022 will be held on June 25th in North America and July 23rd for the rest of the world outside of North America. Many of the usual companies will be offering adventures and accessories to get new players and old ones to enjoy their hobby together. Physical items are available at your local games store and most companies offer the same content on their website in PDF form for the next month.

MyMiniFactory acquires 3DC, owner of , a leading on demand manufacturer of assets for gaming. Their vision to enable a MetaReverse for Indie 3D Creators and Makers is advancing with this acquisition. Indie Creators will soon be empowered to monetize their creations in digital & physical formats. A very exciting next step for the 3D printing space.
#pathfinder #savageworlds #myminifactory #darktower #freerpgday

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Res Nova has decided to order a tactical retreat and cancel the Warzone Eternal Kickstarter campaign regardless of the fact that they hit their funding goal on the first day. In an update posted on crowdfunding page they point to a slowdown of funding growth and complaints varying from the high price of unit boxes to the lack of painted models in the campaign page. We really hope to see a triumphant return of this game to crowdfunding or however else they want to proceed. Everyone’s heart seemed to be in the right place. It may just be that the company’s vision for the game and the fans’ expectations just didn’t line up.

Goodman Games Announces Caverns of Thracia for 5E and DCC RPG. Continuing in the tradition of bringing classic adventures to new life for the next generation of fans of role-playing games, Goodman Games is proud to announce the acquisition of the acclaimed adventure The Caverns of Thracia from Judges Guild and will republish it in fully converted 5E and DCC RPG editions with a targeted release date of 2023. Coming on the heels of the acquisition of Dark Tower, The Caverns of Thracia is the second acclaimed adventure from designer Jennell Jaquays to join the Goodman Games stable. Both were originally published by Judges Guild.

Several popular tabletop franchises are getting a full radio drama experience. Earlier this month, Aconyte Games, a publishing house owned by board game maker Asmodee, announced an audiobook partnership with Graphic Audio. Under the partnership Graphic Audio will produce twelve of Aconyte’s novels into dramatized audiobook adaptations, with sound effects, cinematic music, and a full cast. The first of these books – Wrath of N’Kai” by Josh Reynolds – was released on May 16th. Five other Arkham Horror books, three Twilight Imperium novels, and three Zombicide books will also get adapted into cinematic audiobooks.

The Embracer Group has announced its preservationist Embracer Games Archive. So far collected “50,000 videogames, consoles, and accessories” in its vault in Karlstad, Sweden. A team consisting of a CEO, archivist, assistant, technical engineer, and supply manager runs the archive. Is this a good thing or does Embracer just have trouble keeping its tentacles off of everything?
#warzone #goodmangames #arkhamhorror

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